Sunday, July 13, 2008

Embrace Your Geekness Day

Embrace Your Geekness Day -
Into dungeon games, comic books and doing vampire dress-up? Spend endless hours going strange places on the internet? You're a geek, and this is the day to roar!

Barcode Geek White T-Shirt

Barcode Geek White T-Shirt - Superbug

Click the T-Shirt for more information or to Buy Now.

Identify yourself to the world as a science or computing geek with this barcode geek design!. Streptococcus (sore throat) bacteria design - "who you calling coccus". - Superbug

Barcode Geek White T-Shirt can be found at Superbug : Science Slogans : Barcode Geek

You can check out the rest of today's Holidays, Celebrations and Famous Birthdays here Bizarre Holidays & Occasions

1 comment:

Tshirtpro said...

Geeky funny t shirts are the best, I like this one!