Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whatever happened to Charity begins at home?

I read this article yesterday, War Bill Helps Iraqis, May Ignore Katrina Victims about the War Funding Bill which includes $350 million for Iraqi refugees. It also includes $73 million to help shelter physically and mentally disabled victims of Hurricane Katrina. However, that money (for Katrina victims) is expected to be cut out of the budget! To me there is something very wrong here.

Now I'm all for helping out people in any country that need it, but not at the expense of our own people here in the United States. The good people of New Orleans have been displaced, through no fault of there own. The hurricane happen in 2005, it's 2008 and still people are homeless, many areas there are still a disaster, why isn't more being done? And why isn't our government doing it? Whatever happened to "Charity begins at home"?

Visit hurricanekatrinarelief.com to see what you can do to help.

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